Ingeniux CMS
Ingeniux CMS is enterprise-level web content management system based entirely on open standards; its interface is 100% web based and relies on Ajax technology (asynchronous JavaScript and XML). With Ajax, web applications can send and retrieve data dynamically from a server in the background without interfering with the display and behavior of the existing page that's loaded. This makes things work a lot faster than straight HTML because pages don't need to be reloaded with each user action — the reduced bandwidth equates to better performance.
As with Expressroom and the Lattice Group Web PortalTM, we at Lattice Group use Ingeniux CMS to easily manage and update the content of complex enterprise-level websites. It features an easy-to-use, word-processor style, WYSIWYG editor that allows you to easily update and approve content from your favorite web browser, and create and manage information across multiple channels, from web and mobile to social and print. Web analytics, e-mail newsletters, calendaring, news, SEO tools, and integration to Google Website Optimizer for multi-variate testing are all useful features of Ingeniux CRM. It also provides convenient methods for versioning, collaboration (check-out/check-in), global language delivery, live preview for browser compatibility checks, rollback, and archiving of content.
We've found that Ingeniux CRM is a useful tool when we need to provide a full range of web content management services, regardless of the platform architecture, and have found that with customization, this program is particularly useful when our clients are seeking to automate web marketing programs. In these cases, it is also useful for managing event calendars, forms, analytics and compliance with Section 508a, WAI and other accessibility guidelines.
If your goal is managing a complex website, targeting content for global markets or automating your web marketing programs - we have found a customized Ingeniux CMS solution often makes sense.
Contact Us to learn more.