Application Development
No matter what kind of project it is, Lattice Group designs the systems and applications to quickly connect people to the information they need to get their jobs done. Any step or process which presents a hurdle to efficient information access hinders the ability of the people involved to achieve the goals at hand. Similarly, any step which removes hurdles goes a long way to facilitate reaching those goals. For any project, non-integrated systems present one such hurdle and our application designs reflect our philosophy to remove these hurdles through use of integrated enterprise management systems. It is a way for us to provide all users, regardless of location, with access to the information they need to get their jobs done much more efficiently.
With complex data systems, our developers at Lattice Group are quickly moving toward a paradigm shift in how data is accessed and used: this shift is captured in the phrase: Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). SOA is a significant departure from the use of non-integrated “stovepipe” applications to solve business issues. The primary benefit of SOA is that it defines the interface in terms of protocols and functionality, instead of low-level programming in specific languages, which is historically the way legacy systems have developed over time. SOA provides a great way to exchange information without having to program within one stovepipe application or another. Instead of having each department access and hold its own third-party application or define another platform-specific application and run its own routine to hit each database system, SOA allows all involved the ability to exchange, integrate, store, access and use information obtained directly from the databases housed in each application through one portal, without having to create or use new APIs.
One of Lattice Group’s many strengths is our ability to stay on top of these changes to keep all integrated systems at peak performance, bringing the weighed benefits to the table, and advising and making recommendations to each of our clients to plan, design and implement upgrades and enhancements as necessary. Expansion of the system to accommodate the inevitable change then becomes much less of an issue and our power to meet and exceed each of our client’s goals is thoroughly enhanced.
In this way, the energy and efforts expended to reach goals are streamlined, highly organized, and aligned. This in turn translates to increased efficiency for our clients and a springboard platform into efficiency and the future. It also provides a strong feedback loop on how we’re doing, and results in a higher probability for successful, consistent results.
Contact us to learn more.